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Updated on 13-May-2024

CBSE Class-X Result (2023-24)

Excellence Unleashed - Fatiman’s Academic Triumph The unprecedented fame and glory brought by Fatimans truly epitomizes a legacy of learning by soaring great heights with academic distinction in CBSE Class X result. For the academic session 2023-2024, students of Our Lady of Fatima Convent Sec. School, Patiala, achieved a pass percentage of 100%. The school topper Aniket Bansal scored 99% followed by Parnika Gupta and Yogansh Tulani with 98.2% and Parishi scored 98%. The School immensely feels proud to announce that total 125 students appeared in the CBSE Exam and 63 students scored 90% and above, 38 students scored 80% and above, 15 students scored 70% and above, 9 students scored 60% and above. The diligent efforts and hard work of students have culminated in this outstanding achievement. The Principal (Sr. Flevy David) felicitated students and their parents for their relentless efforts throughout the year.

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